BPW Foundation of Maryland Scholarship

NOTE: This Scholarship Program does not cover study at the Master or Doctorate levels, correspondence courses or non-degree programs.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Be a woman 25-years-of-age or older
  2. Be officially accepted into an accredited program or course of study at a Maryland academic institution.
  3. Be a resident of the State of Maryland or a member of BPW/MD, if a resident of another state.
  4. Demonstrate critical financial need.
  5. Have a definite plan to use the desired education to upgrade skills for career advancement, to train for a new career field, or to enter or re-enter the job market.
  6. Be carrying a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester.

Instructions to applicants (please read carefully):

  • For 2025, this scholarship is for $1,200. Scholarship awards are subject to the availability of funds.
  • This application is for academic year 2025 - 2026.
  • A check in the amount of the scholarship will be sent to the business office of the recipient's school. Funds may be used for tuition only. One-half of the award will be used each semester.
  • Applications must be submitted using the application form provided and all questions must be answered.
  • Please submit a copy of current transcript.
  • Letters of reference are not required. However, the applicant may submit as many letters as she wishes. They should be mailed to the address below by the application deadline.
  • Applications must be postmarked by June 15, 2025.

Scholarship Application Form (Click here to open or download)

Completed applications must be sent to:

BPWF/MD Scholarship
P.O. 491
Williamsport, MD. 21795